Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Last Lecture

If I was to give a last lecture for potential students that want to begin the entrepreneur journey, my first piece of advice would be to really study the material each week. Don't just read and watch the videos to get a good grade, but the advice and knowledge contained in the course is powerful and something to keep as a current and future resource. I found my experiences of studying much more meaningful when I began with a prayer. Sometimes it was easier for me to absorb the material when I listened to the book, videos, or talks contained in the lessons instead of sitting down to read them. It helped me to multi-task and prevented me from being too overwhelmed with other obligations. 

It took me a long time to get on the path that I am on now. However, each of my experiences prior to finishing my education shaped the entrepreneurial journey I wanted to take. Don't take those experiences prior to your education for granted. Learn from them and reflect on how they helped shape your motivation to be an entrepreneur.  I didn't realize until much later that each experience good and bad helped shape my decision to finish my education and pursue dreams and goals with a partner by my side. 

Words of caution: I learned a long time ago that when I tried to do something good in my life, I was met with multiple challenges and adversity. It's a law that when you are going to better yourself and do something good, you will undoubtedly meet some form of adversity. I've experienced some form of adversity each semester. That is most likely what will happen the further along I get in my own entrepreneurial journey. Just keep going on and be what President Monson termed a "finisher." You will be happier with yourself further down the road if you persist and move forward. Some people don't have a good support system. I am fortunate to have a great support system, but in the past I learned that if you don't have the right support you need, you will always have the support and friendship from the Savior. The Savior is your advocate and friend, so do what you can to keep yourself sensitive to the spirit and His love. That's a beautiful part of the Atonement. 

I learned that Entrepreneurs are happy, positive, and motivated people. I don't think I have taken a class that was more motivational and inspiriational before. Entrepreneurs seek positivitiy and I believe it helps keep them motivated and driven to accomplish their goals. I learned that entrepreneurs view their lives as journeys, set goals, and don't stop working to make it happen. They also do their homework and built relationships with mentors. They make lifelong learning a part of their journey because they know that learning should never stop. 

My experience with this class and and an entrepreneur just beginning my own journey has been nothing but positive. I know that if you are motivated and willing to do the work, you will be rewarded in the same way. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018


I don't feel ready for the semester to be over. Normally, I would be jumping for joy! I finished my classes! I didn't fail!  But, I started to feel sad and worried I wouldn't have the motivation to continue. However, this week I learned that my learning journey is up to me. I won't always have a structured course with great resources and motivating material to build me up. That is up to me.

"Most entrepreneurs would agree that building a business is more than a job; it is a passion. Stories of entrepreneurs sleeping at their offices may be exaggerated but are not unfounded.  It will definitely require a huge time commitment and cut into your leisure time. You may not be able to know what to expect a year, even a month from now" (Applegate, p. 6). My first instinct at the end of the day or when I finish doing any task is to reward myself with reading a book. I was thinking about how some things in my life might be cut out for a while to keep my eye on my vision and goal. I remember when I was working two jobs: one as a cosmetology instructor and the other as a part-time independent contractor hairstylist, I didn't read for years. I wanted to, but I was so focused on the need to live, pay my bills, and build my part-time business.  That was a challenging time in my life, but I reaped the rewards and eventually, I was able to read again. I suppose that is a silly thing to worry about, but it pained me to realize that I will probably need to set aside some important things to me to achieve my goal.

Friday, December 7, 2018


"A Pioneer is one who is motivated out of the sense of impossible."
"God gives man the raw materials...not things already made."

In addition to the harrowing story about the young girl in Darfur (?), which was a startling reminder to be grateful for my education and life, I was reminded how important it is to work hard and be a true pioneer. Elder Gay also said that "business is about service and about rescue."

Most of the reading throughout this course deals with understanding our life's mission and how we should center our business around the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This talk by Elder Gay significantly reinforced this concept.

Am I a Pioneer? Do I have some grand purpose in life like the mission of Elder Gay? I don't know.  However, I do know that I am a fighter. I also know that when I serve others, I am exemplifying the pure love of Christ. I know that I want my business endeavors to reflect the greater good.

"What's a Business For" Questions

1) " Conceal truth or erode trust, and the game becomes so unreliable that no one will want to play."
It is vital to be honest and ethical so that companies can thrive and do what they set out to do.

2)"It is to make a profit so that the business can do something more or better."

3). Retaining the "energyy produced by the old model while remedying its flaws" and that "dividends be paid to those who contribute their skills as well as to those who have contributed their money."

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Calling

"A calling is finding that special place where your most precious gifts allow you to do something you love, in service to others, in a way that changes the world." (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness)

That is my favorite quote from this week and this article/book my favorite reading assignment, so much so that I had my husband read it too.

My Dad gave me some really great advice when I was dating. He told me that it doesn't necessarily matter that you have the same interests as the person you date or marry, what matters is that you have the same goals in life. I thought that was strange, but when I analyzed my parents' interests, I realized that they don't have any of the same interests. They definitely have the same goals and they run a business together. And they are so happy and have been happy for 45 years. I took that advice to heart and I married someone who doesn't share the same interests as me. I definitely hate the music he listens to because it's hideous. But, we do have the same goals and I believe that we are finding that calling together.

(Excuse the sappiness-but it is what the reading made me think about this week.)

Attitude about Money:

1) My attitude about money: It isn't evil. But, I don't want the pursuit to ruin my life or my relationships.
2) Your view of money can affect the way you live. At this point in my life, I have a strict budget. If we are fortunate enough to not worry about money anymore, I still think that we will have a strict budget. Money can't solve all your problems. It might solve some temporal problems, but it won't solve relationship problems, family problems, or emotional problems.
"Remember, the ways we see things are a combination of what filters others have placed in our minds. These filters, ideas, beliefs, opinions and teachings get into our minds when we are very young and color and form the way we perceive or see things and issues."
3)Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him
   Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings.
   Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
   Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters.
   Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.
   Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held        captive.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A small epiphany

Last week, I was a little confused by what I was reading. I felt some advice was contradictory of what I knew and what I have read in the past. This week, I experienced clarity and how taking control, leading, and getting things done works. "The Heart of Business" discussed the role Managers and Entrepreneurs play. I found it interesting that Managers and Entrepreneurs may clash often and Entrepreneurs are considered egotistical etc. I learned that Entrepreneurs need to be quick on their feet, make fast decisions constantly and hate bureaucracy. Stevenson and Gumpert indicated that Administrators may find Entrepreneurs hasty and don't adhere to structure, but what they don't realize is that entrepreneurs get things done, just in a different way. Of course, it's important to have structure and to understand the risks of doing things, but this article drove the point home about finding ways to get things done, and I appreciated that.

I look forward to completing my entrepreneur interview. My sisters are eager to share their wisdom. I have asked some questions already, but I look forward to finishing interviewing them in person. One thing that I learned from my older sisters is that they understand people and know how to work with them. I have often turned to their examples of sociability when I needed it.

I read the talk by Elder Oaks for Pathway last year. It was a good reminder to me about being truly converted.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Getting things done

I think that it is time for me to get a mentor.

I also have decided that in terms of mastery, this week I felt like a hacker. I don't want to be a hacker.

Reading "A Message to Garcia" felt like a slap in the face. Right now, I have mixed feelings about it. Logically, it all makes sense. Companies that I have worked for in the past relied heavily on training and procedures, especially sales jobs.  I have been asked to do things with no direction and because I knew that my bosses liked things done a certain way, I felt like I needed to ask for clarity, emphasis, and if they wanted things done a certain way. I didn't want to make a mistake and I wanted to execute my duty properly. I suppose I have been doing it wrong all of these years. But, I have also taken control to get the job done, but it didn't make the boss happy. I have worked for micro and macro managers. I don't know.

However, reading this reminded me of a conversation I had with a good friend years ago. I was serving as her counselor in the Relief Society Presidency of our singles ward. She recommended a book about Mary Todd Lincoln. We discussed Mary Lincoln and how history painted such a sad portrait of her life. Katie (my friend) said, "You know, it bugs me that people were and are still critical of her, but she just got things done. No matter what happened, she knew how to get things done." Katie was right. You know who else gets things done? Katie.

This week was a week of reflection and I am grateful for what I have learned, I am just trying to figure out how to absorb it all without being frustrated or confused.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Know ye not ye that ye are the temple of God?

"The best things are always worth finishing. 'Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?' (1 Corinthians 3:16). Most assuredly you are. As long and laborious as the effort may seem, please keep shaping and setting the stones that will make your accomplishment 'a grand and imposing spectacle.' Take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. Dream dreams and see visions. Work toward their realization. Wait patiently when you have no other choice. Lean on your sword and rest a while, but get up and fight again." -Jeffry R. Holland

I know how important it is to endure. I know that life wasn't meant to be easy. I also know that I really just need that reminder sometimes so I can remain hopeful.

This week was a hard week. My husband was gone on a hunting trip in Wyoming. He travels often for work, but not like this. It was the opportunity of a lifetime for him. Of course, because he was gone all hell broke loose to the point where I dramatically questioned EVERYTHING. I wondered why I bothered to do anything beyond surviving this week. But, I thought a lot about my goals, where I am going with them and if I have them mapped out correctly. Everything I have read for class has given me plenty of food for thought.

What I read nourished my soul today. I needed it. So, even though I know that life isn't easy and that it's hard and our experiences help shape the temple that we are and continue to become...well...sometimes we just need that reminder that it will be ok eventually.